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Bringing feminine energy and wisdom to your meditation and yoga practice — luminous moments, woven into everyday life, connected to community and empowered by our own inner wisdom.

Harness Your Inner Momentum

a 7 day FREE meditation challenge

Weaving moments of luminous being into messy real life

“Too often the hectic outer momentum of life takes over our inner world. This challenge will remind you how much power you have to harness your own inner momentum and the luminous potential of your mind.”

dear luminous woman

I know life doesn’t always feel so luminous…and that’s why I’m so glad you’re here. I know what it’s like to feel like life is so busy there’s no space for you. I also know what it’s like to want a calmer mind and an experience of connection with yourself, even though there never seems to be a good time and you worry maybe it’s not even possible when life is this crazy.

I want you to know that the things you see as obstacles to a calm mind and inner connection…these can become your greatest opportunities to practice!

This is what it means to bring feminine energy and wisdom to our yoga and meditation practice. It means learning to integrate practice into life, rather than waiting for life to calm down. (FYI Our lives are never going to look like a retreat centre!) 

It means rejecting what we’ve been told practice is supposed to look like on the outside, and instead shifting our focus to how it feels on the inside. 

It might mean ditching your meditation cushion and candles some days, and learning to practice wherever you are. 

This is the power of Messy Luminous Being — it’s the power and luminosity that’s already inside you.

You don’t need to have it all together. You don’t need to have a calmer life. You already have everything you need inside of you.​

Messy Luminous Yoga

“The foundation of luminous being lies in our physical bodies — our feeling of vitality, strength and ease. Bring that beautiful inner state into your everyday life with Messy Luminous Yoga LIVE online classes & membership.”

Experience your own luminous being in messy real life.

Messy Luminous Meditation

“There is a luminous place in our minds that is always calm and clear. Where we reconnect to what is true and deeply important. Messy Luminous Meditation membership helps you cultivate your own luminous mind & teaches you how to weave meditation practice into busy real life.”


Stop waiting for that rare retreat and start weaving inner connection into your everyday life.

Join the conversation of ways women are incorporating spiritual wisdom and practice into messy real life.

Meditation, yoga, nature connection and spiritual practice in messy real life.