We all have a face that we show to the world. An avatar of ourselves that we present outward. But the secret we all share without really acknowledging it, is that we are all also carrying so much behind the scenes. And our experience of our inner self doesn’t always match the outward self everyone sees. This episode is a wandering conversation with me about the messy realities of our search for integrity and inner alignment. A matching of our outer self with what we feel is true for us on the inside. I also wanted to share what’s been going on for me this year, what I’ve learned, & the theme for this coming season…the re-wilding of the self. Re-wilding…what that might mean? Could a return to our essential nature and inner truths be a return home to who we truly are? Welcome to season 5 lovelies! I’m so glad to be in conversation with you! xx s
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