Episode 142 Taking care of our Future Self


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Imagine your future self, a person you are moving towards through the landscape of time. Our tendency can often be to get caught up in this week, this day, just getting through. But what would happen if we adopted a radical new mindset, one that goes against our culture of reacting only when something has gone wrong? What if we cultivated a mindset and lifestyle that focused on how we are taking care of our future self? What would this look like in the way we approach of health? What we put into our minds? How we direct and organise our time?


This episode comes to you in collaboration with the beautiful CacaoAmor, pure ceremonial-grade cacao from the ancient trees of Ecuador. This is a beautiful caffeine-free way to bring the ritual of creating Intentions into your messy luminous day! Try it for yourself and get 10% off using discount code MESSYLUMINOUS at checkout. https://cacaoamor.com/ And follow Deya, such a goddess of intention & creation on IG @cacaoamor.

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Check out this episode!

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