Messy Luminous Being Podcast

Conversations about weaving spiritual practice into messy real life.

the anti-stress code in your mind

Can our emotions be toxic? When it comes to stress and all those related feelings, the answer might be yes, especially if these experiences extend for days, weeks or even longer. In this episode, part of our Vital Health series, I share some new research on stress, how it is

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Movement that matters most

Movement is one of the most effective ways to improve our physical, emotional and mental health. But which types of movement matter most? And how can we change the way we think about fitting them into our busy lives? In this episode, we cover resistance training, cardio and functional movement

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growing the vital force – increase your energy

You are powered by sunlight. The amount of energy you feel in your body — to wake up refreshed, to exercise, to work and create and enjoy life — is directly tied to how your metabolism releases that light energy in your cells. This is where you really are a

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creativity, anxiety and the alchemy of the mind

Creativity is an experience that’s often pushed to the edges of our lives— something we’re allowed to indulge in when all the important jobs are done. This is conversation about another role creativity could play in our lives…an antidote to anxiety. It’s about the way our brains work, the difference

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being wise when a loved one is determined to stay stuck

What do you do when you know something that could help your loved one but they just don’t want to hear it. How can we remain in our wise and true-to-ourselves state of being when we are in difficult relationships. This is a challenge we all face. It is the

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a new way to evolve your morning routine

It’s the rare bubble of time…the quiet of the morning, before the day really gets started. We can do things for ourselves during this time that are unlikely to happen at any other time of day. But whether we’re wishing for a meditation session, time with our thoughts and a

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the original fire circle

deep in our hearts is a knowing of the original village — a place where individuals were connected in community by our roles to meet each others’ human needs. And in this original village was always a space for contemplation and connection to our inner world, the world of spirit,

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